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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Lab 4 Castration Final 1, CASTRATION IN RUMINANTS why is this done? Importance, Preoperative Procedure involves Restraint, Preoperative Procedure must do Basic Exam (MO), Open Open (MO) achieved via Henderson's Tool, Intraoperative Procedure categorized by Closed Method, Open Method (MO) subdivided into Open Open (MO), Preoperative Procedure differs Other Species, Other Species like Ram, Open Closed (MO) achieved via Henderson's Tool, Open Method (MO) in other species? Equine, Closed Method done using Burdizzo (MO), Other Species like Boar, Open Closed (MO) achieved via Castration Knife, Intraoperative Procedure categorized by Open Method (MO), Alternative Method include Short Scrotal (MO), Open Open (MO) achieved via Castration Knife, Open Closed (MO) achieved via Newberry Castrating Knife, CASTRATION IN RUMINANTS what should you know? Reproductive Anatomy, CASTRATION IN RUMINANTS what should you know? Terminology, CASTRATION IN RUMINANTS involves Preoperative Procedure
Drug table for ruminants and boar
Ruminant and Swine anesthesia
Standing Open Castration
Common Terminology
Small Ruminant Physical Exam
Sheep Restraint
Sheep BCS
Equine Recumbent Castration
Burdizzo Method
Burdizzo Castration Video
Open Closed surgical Method
Use of Reimer Emasculator on Open Closed Method
Lidocaine Block for Castration
Drug Table - Castration
Incision Approach for Open Castration
Advantages of Disadvantages of Open Castration
Testicular Anatomy
Spermatic cord and Scrotal Anatomy
Demonstration of Elastrator Band
Elastic Banding (Elastrator)
Elastrator Castration Video
Castration using Newberry castrating Knife
Calf Castration using Castration Knife
Piglet Castration
Boar Scrotal Castration
Swine BCS
swine castration
Piglet Restraint
Methods of Restraint in Boar Castration
Swine TPR
Swine Physical Exam
Guidelines on Anesthesia and Analgesia in Swine _ Research A to Z
Equine TPR
Equine BCS Chart
Equine Restraint in Castration
Equine Sedation and Anesthesia
Physical Exam
Immunocastration in Pig
Cattle Physical Restraint
Calicrate Bander Demonstration
Equipment for Castration
After Care notes for Farmers
5 Scale BCS Cattle
Basic Exam of Cattle